Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body or mind works. Drugs are not good for health as they have many side effects and damage our brain, heart and other important organs.

More and more arrests and hospital visits are occurring related to drugs. The problem of drug abuse has been going on for a long while and it may seem like we’ve figured things out, but the war on drugs is changing. More awareness of drug abuse is due for the public because the idea is changing; it is no longer just a nightclub item. Drug use is spreading to urban and suburban neighborhoods, and it’s also spreading to teens. Other problems with drugs are just as critical, like the problem of not enough treatment available or its just treatment that is not adequate. The other major problem in drug abuse is drugs are being given to people without their knowing. With the new changes in the war on drugs new situations are being created that are different from the usual stereotype. New situations and new problems are critical ideas that make it crucial to create more awareness for drug abuse.